Facebook Education
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Facebook Education
From Middle School to Old School and From The USA to Belize



FB, Coffee, LOLs and Conversations.
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Facebook Education II
Purchase Facebook Education I at:
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Purchase Facebook Education II at:

ooks by
Frank Palacio, MAE




Thank you readers, for some of the comments below:

The author’s voice is open, friendly, funny and altogether charming. No wonder he likes Facebook! Since he’s a natural talker and a well educated teacher, it seems only natural that he’d want to talk about and teach others about the natural wonders of social networking…

 I look forward to reading it, Frank.... I think in another year you will need a sequel.. hehe

Thanks Chris! Fb is a lot of fun and its in the news almost daily! There are lots of stories for a series...hmmmn!



Purchase this book at:
| www.amazon.com | www.bn.com | Infinity Publishing |

Another book by Frank Palacio:

| www.amazon.com | www.bn.com | www.iuniverse.com |

I'd like to hear from you. Please write to me at:
Frank Palacio (fpalacio51@hotmail.com)


Web design by Paul Rallion, MAE, NBCT

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