Facebook Education
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Facebook Education
Beautiful Belize - Interesting Words and Sayings



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Facebook Education II
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Frank Palacio

Frank Palacio, MAE




Thank you readers, for some of the comments below:

The author’s voice is open, friendly, funny and altogether charming. No wonder he likes Facebook! Since he’s a natural talker and a well educated teacher, it seems only natural that he’d want to talk about and teach others about the natural wonders of social networking…


Who can see this wall post? Who can see this wall post? Your friends of friends. Your friends of friends. In case you missed it...

"Every early this morning, roughly about 5:10am, I opened a package from Frank Palacio, the author, that I had received in yesterday's mail. It contained his new book, Facebook Education" and upon flipping open the cover (which I designed) I read a very heartfelt inscription, smiled inwardly, and turned the page and noticed that he had thanked me publicly for my interior i...llustrations. Cool!

"I put it down and went into the kitchen where I had decided to defrost a huge, thickly cut T-Bone steak for the evening's meal, and set the oven for it's lowest setting, barely enough heat to melt an ice cube. I went back into my studio and picked up the book again, and started reading.... and reading..... and reading .... and reading.... and at 8:25am, I thought I smelled something wafting from the interior of my home, and with two pages left to finish this interesting book, I went to investigate.

"I love steaks that are slightly medium rare almost "blue". What I saw when I opened the oven door, was a steak that was very well done, the juices popping, the meat as brown as my mahogany desk. My greyhound stood by drooling at the smell of the overcooked meat. I turned off the oven, but kept the door open to somehow stop it from cooking Sasha's next dinner further, and went back to finish Frank's book, which I have done. Being the literary critic that I was schooled to become informally, I knew that I would be reading this again an additional time because I have found that the second reading is much more informative. I will reserve comment until I accomplish this second reading, but any book that keeps me from realizing that hours have passed, makes me ruin a $35.00 first rate cut of meat, in my opinion, must be good."

I love your book Frank!  Its such a fun book and right on point  Everbody should read this book, no kidding!  I am enjoying it immensely.  Thanks for writing this Frank!  Keep writing and I will keep buying!
Pamela Banner

Facebook education, a quick and delightful read.  Had me smiling, giggling, and relating at every turn.  As I quickly devoured the pages, I found myself agreeing with quite a bit of what Frank Palacio had to say. Only on Facebook can one meet old friends, new friends and speak to the world with a few strokes of the keyboard.  Delightful read, Frank!!  See you on FB!

A Fun, Fascinating, Facebook Read , 08/06/2011
Reviewer: John Mcburns
This is book is fascinating and fun! The front cover is stunning and clever. The pictures or sketches are a big plus. I enjoyed reading it because I identified so much with the insights and opinions of Frank Palacio! He writes: Do you ever check your messages at the kitchen table or even in the bathroom? Have you ever seen seen kids walking across the street eyes focused on the palm of their hands while cars zoom around them, while they check Facebook or text messages! This book is a commentary about social networking websites, and in particular Facebook. It explores his addiction and fascination with Facebook and he is not alone! Facebook, love it or hate it seems to be here to stay! This book is well written and a terrific read! I give it an "A!"

This Book Delivers , 08/08/2011
Reviewer: Paul Rallion
This Book Delivers! Two-time author, Frank Palacio has written a book that is sure to garner lots of attention. Facebook is constantly in the news. Who wouldn’t want to read a book about Facebook that’s both down to earth (non-techy) and entertaining! This book delivers! It chronicles Frank’s journey from anti-Facebook (when he was reluctant to join) to Facebook fanatic! I especially like that he includes not only his personal opinions but that of many of his friends. I would have loved this book even if I didn’t like Facebook. Congratulations Frank, on a beautiful book!
Paul Rallion, MAE, Author
www.paulrallion.com and www.middleschoolin.com

An Excellent Read , 08/29/2011
Reviewer: Tim Philips
He wowed us with Middle Schooling and now he has done it again. Congratulations to Frank Palacio for writing a book that is sure to capture the hearts and the imagination of Facebook lovers everywhere. Facebook Education:From Middle School to Old School and From The USA to Belize will keep you interested from cover to cover! I love the contemporary and topical nature of this book. I relate very well with it on several levels especially where he shares the effect that birthday greetings from friends and family on face book had on him. Having recently had a birthday and being overwhelmed by similar emotions i can agree with everything he said. This is a page turner and you will enjoy it from beginning to end. I give this book my highest recommendation! I will buy several copies and to use as special occasion gifts for my friends. I am very proud of the brother and I strongly urge him to keep up the good work.

How to Use Facebook for Fun, Marketing and Networking , 11/28/2011
Reviewer: Bradford F. Pitts
This book is enjoyable to read, from attractive front cover to beautiful back cover! The illustrations are also a delightful bonus. I enjoyed this book because it contains the author's personal experiences with Facebook and because it dishes out some really good tips and advice about using Facebook for fun, marketing, and networking. This book will tell you about the fun and thrill of connecting with old friends and ways to develop and cultivate new friendships! This book has something for every one. You will be glad you bought it!

This Book is an Education for All , 11/29/2011
Reviewer: Kelly
This book is true to its name, "Facebook Education From Middle School to Old School and from the USA to Belize." Frank expresses great delight, admiration, passion and (I hate to say) obsession over Facebook. He no doubt loves Facebook! I learned a lot from reading it, especially, since I am not a Facebook user or fan...have never had a desire or interest in becoming a user. I believe those who are Facebook members could really relate to some of the sentiments Frank shares in his book. It is an education to those who are not members or users; and it is an education to those who weren't born and raised in Belize. He shares some wonderful scenarios and experiences about Belize. If you are a Facebook member and user, I think you would really appreciate and relate to the emotions and fondness Frank has with Facebook. If you are not, like me, don't worry you will still enjoy reading this book. Frank is a very talented writer and I give it my strongest recommendation!

Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg would love this book , 12/02/2011
Reviewer: Dini
I liked this book from the moment I saw the clever cover! It has a Facebook report card on it! Some of the categories on the report card are: Check messages, Status Updates, Uploading Pics, Adding friends, and Stealing friends, etc! I laughed because I knew I would love this book. This author knows all about Facebook and is able point things out that other Facebook lovers see in themselves. He goes one step further; he analyzes and explains like a professor who has done research on a subject! My friends get excited when I show them this book and I tell them, “You have to get your own copy!” Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg would love this book

Interestingly Addictive , 12/05/2011
Reviewer: Bea Arzu
If one is interested in learning more about Facebook, this book is a must read. The variety of stories are interestingly addictive. Once I started reading this book, I couldn't put it down. It is amazing how people divulge personal information about themselves and their families through Facebook. I am impressed with the circle of friends on your network which makes me want to sign up. I feel that if I do not join the band wagon of texting or Facebook, I'll be left behind. Because of your book, I am ready to be cool just like the Queen of England. Good Luck!!

An Artwork of love and passion. , 12/12/2011
Reviewer: Celida Moreno
Facebook Education: From Middle School to Old School and From The USA to Belize By Frank Palacio, MAE is a very compelling book. It is an artwork of love and passion revealed through Frank, the author, of shared experiences from a broad spectrum of people, young and old alike as well as from different backgrounds and cultures. This book brings out the joy and gratitude for a new toy that can be shared with everyone, anywhere, anyhow on anyday. Mark Zuckerburg would have a good night's sleep after reading this book feeling proud of how his new toy has affected and impacted the lives of many. This is a book for all ages. Frank's expression of his love and passion for Facebook vividly exemplifies the person he truly is. I recommend to all.

This book was interesting from start to finish , 12/13/2011
Reviewer: Elia Evans
I got a chance to read your recent book "Facebook Education" and it was well written. You certainly gave your personal experience of how you started on facebook and the numerous new friends, family members and others whom you encountered through this network. This book was interesting from start to finish and like your first book "Middleschooling", it is easy to understand and fun to read. The book is written in such a way that kept my interest and I did not want to put it down until I finished. I have recommended this book to family and friends and I am looking forward to reading more books from you. Congratulations on "Facebook Education". Best wishes to you.

Facebook Education , 01/03/2012
Reviewer: Rick Lopez
I read Frank Palacio's book Facebook Education, I found it very interesting, light harted and a very good read. The characters portrayed in the book were true to form. I recomend this book to anyone and everyone that has anything to do with facebook. You should read it because it is a very good book. Frank is a brillian author he compiled the stories in a manner that does not make you get bored reading this book. Go out buy the book for yourself and one as a gift, and while you are doing this pick up his other book Middle Schooling, I am sure you know a child that is in school, get the stories first hadn from Frank. Great books to read well written by Mr. Palacio

A One of a Kind Book About Facebook , 01/20/2012
Reviewer: Phoenix
A One of a Kind Book About Facebook! F: Facebook, Frank Palacio R: Rated highly is this book A: An A for this book N: Nice, Networking book K: Kinda awesome, a one of a kind book about Facebook! This book is awesome, Frank! Thank you for writing it!

This Is The Rough Sketch of My Book Cover That I Gave my Engineering Team!
What an Amazing Before And After!


    • Frank Palacio My Artist/Illustrator, Designer for my book, "Facebook Education: From Middle School to High School and From the USA to Belize" Did an Outstanding job!
      John Mcburns Its good to see how your book cover evolved, Frank! Now it's da bomb! Folks please visit the link and "Like" http://www.facebookeducation.net/.
      Do you ever check for Facebook or text messages in any of these places: churc...h, movies, dinner table, or even in the bathroom? Facebook, an international obsession? My eyes glistened with silent tears of joy! I was receiving love and affection from people I didn’t even know! Facebook, this...See More

      Christina Ysaguirre lots more coming where that came from, i can tell

      Gee Singh-Newbanks ‎:D... well done!

      Sally Reyes Frank you are so laid back- Love it friend:-)

      Frank Palacio Thanks John Mcburns, Christina Ysaguirre, Gee Singh-Newbanks, and Sally Reyes! Thanks thumbs uppers. It is exciting to watch something develop from an idea to a finished product! Gee and Sally you are both very accomplished artists so you know...

      Sally Reyes I know huh! You are right though. It is so rewarding and nostalgic. I had an outer body experience when I heard myself for the first time ok! I was like "WOW!" In my Steve Erkel Voice...DID I DO THAT? :-)! lol...Thanks Frank. Keep motivating and stay motivated.
  • Frank Palacio A colorful background!

    Albert Smith CHEERS FRANK.

    Gee Singh-Newbanks Luv it!!!

    Frank Palacio Thanks Albert Smith! You too! Gee Singh-Newbanks, our famous painter friends loves vibrant colors so her thumbs up is huge, Thanks Gee!



    Gee Singh-Newbanks Yes!! Lets go gang :D

    Letitia Ibemeni Melendrez Congrats again Frank Palacio & also love the beautiful scenery on the cover of your book....Getting home sick here.....LOl

    Roxie Rox I can just picture myself drinking a margarta while reading your book and then taking a nice swim in that beautiful blue water.:) GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR BOOK.:)

    Frank Palacio Aaaaah Shucks! When we all get rich that will be our life style, Roxie Rox! The book is getting a lot of attention! Thanks for you good wishes! Have a good evening!

    Tiffany Mangum Cooke I'm so proud of you! Congratulations!

    Frank Palacio Thanks, Tiffany Mangum Cooke! I love fb for connecting me with so mamy wonderful friends, including you! You were a part of this book from day one! Have a good evening!

Congratulations FP.. My prayers are with you... Your book will be a success as you seek so will you find.. Where can I purchase them? .. Good luck & God Bless.  

Thanks Jasmine Henley, Myrtle Palacio, Denise Ferguson-Wilson, Irene Welch, Elena Mangar Vernon, Gaynor Christie, and the thumbs uppers! I have the best friends in the world and I love you guys! For a personalized copy, write to:
Frank Palacio
PO Box 611225

Los Angeles, CA 90061
Send $15 which includes shipping and handling and an autograph!

Thanks Frank, will do.
Denise Ferguson-Wilson

Congratulations. I will pray for you. All is going to go well.
Elizabeth Lewis

Congrats Frank, wishing u more success, God is great
Marilyn Lewis-Phillips

Add my congratulations to your growing list my friend. Enjoy your success. You deserve it! Of course I can't wait to buy a copy.
Bradford F. Pitts

I'm not crying yet but soon! Thanks for the love, Denise Ferguson-Wilson, Elizabeth Lewis, Marilyn Lewis-Phillips, Bradford F. Pitts, and the thumbs uppers! Love you guys!
Frank Palacio

Congratulation on Frank Palacio for reaching your goal on the sale of your new book God bless you always my fren....."One Love"....
Letitia Ibemeni Melendrez

WOOO HOOO i might get it!!!!
Yailin Noriega

Congrats franky, lookin forward to kickin back and reading your book!! well done!!!!
Isidoro Patt

Congrats!! you have my best wishes!!
Elaine M. Wade

Will do, have a bless weekend you and yours
Determine Elaine

Thanks Yailin Noriega! Elaine M. Wade and Detemine Elaine, I thank you! I appreciate the best wishes, Elaine M. Wade! How have you been? Thanks for the blessings, Determine Elaine! Thanks Thumbs uppers! I have the best friends in the world! I love you guys. Have a great weekend to all of you!
Frank Palacio

Congratulations.. Frank.. Respect.... Wil Maheia Where can we purchase it Frank? Always sending support Lisa Webb

Congratulations mi breda, all the best on this new endeavour.
Rick Lopez

Good luck bro.
Elsie Felix-Edmunds

Well done Frank!! Congrats on the new book!! Wishing you many sales...
Gee Singh-Newbanks

Congratulations, Frank! I love Facebook like you do and I can't wait to read about your fb secrets!
John Mcburns

Congrats Bro. I know your book will again be a hit..
Leona Baltazar-Franklin

Don't forget to like Frank Palacio new book at www.facebookeducation.net
John Mcburns

Oh, wow, some of my favorite people are up early this morning! Thanks Rick Lopez, Elsie Felix-Edmunds, Gee Singh-Newbanks, John Mcburns, Leona Baltazar-Franklin, Mario A. Cano Elsie Flores-Ariola! I love you guys! Thanks for the support!
Frank Palacio

Love you too Bro.
Leona Baltazar-Franklin

I'm happy for you Frank Palacio both me and your mom! Good Luck!
Theodore Palacio

Congratulations Uncle!!
Jasmine Henley

Good luck Nibase....Priceless!
Myrtle Palacio

Good luck Frank, I know that it will do well, I'll definitely get a copy and maybe I can get it autographed so that when you become real famous.......
Denise Ferguson-Wilson

Congratulations Frank!
Irene Welch

Elena Mangar Vernon

Congratulations FP.. My prayers are with you... Your book will be a success as you seek so will you find.. Where can I purchase them?.. Good luck & god bless.
Gaynor Christie

Thanks Jasmine Henley, Myrtle Palacio, Denise Ferguson-Wilson, Irene Welch, Elena Mangar Vernon, Gaynor Christie, and the thumbs uppers! I have the best friends in the world and I love you guys! For a personalized copy, write to:
Frank Palacio,
PO Box 611225,
Los Angeles, CA 90061
Send $15 which includes shipping and handling and an autograph!
Frank Palacio

Hi Frank:
.....I feel honored to do so. My friends and University students have been informed about your book. I would like to receive a copy of your most recent production.

It was great seeing you, your family, your Dad and Mom
Marvin Avila

I wish this book and the author only the best. I can't wait to get a copy of the book.
Angela Palacio

Sister Angela, you are the best promoter, networker, business woman, marketing person and agent! Thanks for all you do for me!

Congratulations and sincere wishes for success with your new book "Facebook Education from Middle School to Old School and from the USA to Belize."
Celida Moreno

Dear Celida,
Celida, thanks for your support! This book was fun to write because I had help from a few friends like yourself! Thanks for believing in this project from day one! Facebook is truly awesome because it allows us to network and collaborate and in so doing, we can achieve some of our true potential!

Best Wishes/ Excelsior.... Ad Astra per Aspera....
Anthony D. Grana
Sir Anthony thanks so much for your vote of confidence! It has been a journey of hard work but well worth the struggle! my God answers prayers. You are indeed a gentleman and a scholar!

Congratulations on your success Frank. May you continue to be successful in the coming years. Thumbs up to you my friend.
Carol Purdy Bradley

Thanks for the kind words, Carol! You were one of the first persons that Encouraged me to go ahead with this project! God bless you for your positive influence!

Congratulations on the publication of your new release cuz Frank Palacio I am proud of you.
Freda Sideroff

Freda, thanks for the kind words of encouragement and support! I love fb and my bff's. You are high up on that list! Your grand baby is so adorable! Congrats!

Congratulations my brother...We pray for your seccess in this project. I plna to read it.
Rev. Henry Vernon

Thanks Rev. Henry! This book is about Facebook, Facebook Addiction, Belize and my Favorite friends! Congratulations on your new book too, Reverend, Doctor, Friend! I will be buying yours soon!

Frank you are awesome. I am very proud of you my brother!
Leona Baltazar

Thanks Leona! You are the best! Thanks for the support!

Congratulations on the soon to be released book. I am so proud of you. You have been a little busy beaver.
Angie P.

Thanks, Angela! It's a lotta work but somebody got to do it! Thanks for the encouragement!

I look forward to reading it, Frank.... I think in another year you will need a sequel.. hehe

Thanks Chris! Fb is a lot of fun and its in the news almost daily! There are lots of stories for a series...hmmmn!


Purchase this book at:
| www.amazon.com | www.bn.com | Infinity Publishing |

Another book by Frank Palacio:

| www.amazon.com | www.bn.com | www.iuniverse.com |

I'd like to hear from you. Please write to me at:
Frank Palacio (fpalacio51@hotmail.com)


Web design by Paul Rallion, MAE, NBCT

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