Frank Palacio


Books by Frank Palacio:
To Purchase a book, click on its cover below:
  Beautiful Belize Garifuna Celebrations
  President Obama President Obama

Facebook Education II


God's Available, Call Him:

Songs by Frank Palacio:

1. Caribbean Belizean Celebration
2. Trumpu, Trumpu, Trumpu
3. President Trump’s Inauguration Celebration

Purchase these songs at:
CD Baby | iTunes | Amazon


Order any book directly from the author by Paypal to
or send a check or money order for $15 each book
(which includes shipping and handling, and an autograph) to:

Frank Palacio
P O Box 611225
Los Angeles, CA 90061


  Facebook Education II

I started a group on Facebook and named it "Belizeans, West Indians and Creole Language and sayings." The purpose of this group was to bring people together to share and discuss cultural and language issues related to Belize, the West Indies, and the creole language and experience. Many transplanted Belizeans like myself, a 30+ years resident of Los Angeles and married to a non-Belizean, yearn for conversation with other Belizeans. The internet and in particular, Facebook provides us with the valuable opportunity to socialize and fill this void. This book came about as the result of a conversation on Facebook. A few friends and I were discussing some interesting Belizean creole sayings, many that we hadn't heard in ages and others that were obscure. The energy and enthusiasm was palpable as we challenged each others' memories to unlock these cool and interesting sayings from the recesses of our brains. The fun and excitement grew with each new saying from our childhoods that a member from the group shared


I wrote this book, "President Obama: 101 Moments, Likes, Similes, and More." This book contains over 100 things to like about President Obama as well as some of the memorable moments about the man and the events leading up to and including his presidency. I strongly believe that we should do everything humanly possible to preserve President Obama's legacy! We should do this, not for Obama per se, but for the human race! We ought not sit idly and watch the legacy of a good man and an excellent president be destroyed by those that were operating out of a bad place, hate, and bigotry and who refused to work with Obama! There are some who would have us forget that Obama rescued our country from the brink of economic disaster and the deepest recession in modern history...

About the Author

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Read a "Being Garifuna" interview with Frank Palacio and his Poems

Amazing Poems by Frank Palacio


Facebook Education
From Middle School to Old School
Happy Birthday President Barack H. Obama:
Ode to Facebook: Mad Facebook Love: I Watched Over My Dad Tonight:

Check Out Angela Palacio's website:
Watch a few videos on YouTube of the Legendary Andy Palacio

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